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> Training > Kettlebell training
Kettlebell training

Kettlebell training

Pubblicato: 09-2015
ISBN: 9788898574124
Codice: 6115
Pagine: 224
Formato: 19,3 x 25,4 cm
Peso: 0.9 Kg
Prezzo: 30,00 € VAT included
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Language: Italian


Can a simple cast iron ball change your life?

This book will tell you why and how; your body will give you the results and confirmations.

By choosing from the many exercises, specific and programmed workout sheets you will change your body and your life in an easy, fun and fast way. The theoretical insights, practical suggestions, photographs and text will guide you through this fascinating journey.

This is a must-have text, full of insights and inputs, dedicated to everyone from beginners to instructors to personal trainers and athletic trainers.

What are you waiting for? Follow the path of legendary men!


- focus on the kettlebell: journey from history to the benefits of this incredible tool

- exercises: starting from basics techniques with a kettlebell moving to unconventional workouts for advanced and specific athletic preparations;

- practical section: learning techniques, from propaedeutics to the progression of exercises; 

- specific training sheets incorporated into a training schedule for various needs.

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